Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So I was watching wife swap today..

I was at home working on my ochem nitration lab write up today and absolutely nothing was on tv. I stopped on the show wife swap and ended up watching the whole 2 hour episode. The first woman lived a vegan lifestyle and was quite well to do financially in southern California. The second family was a poor, country folk Louisiana family. The Louisiana woman who went to California was nothing but kind and had nothing but good things to say about the family. The family in turn didn't reply with the same politness. The Ca woman in Louisiana didn't seem to like the family one bit. She forced her lifestyles on the members of the family and made it a miserable week while the Louisiana family did everything they could to please her. At the end of each show (incase you haven't seen the show before) the wife from each family determines how the money (50K) will be divided for the other family. The California woman divided the 50K for the Louisiana into 2 "green" boat engines to replace their working non-green engines for their tour boats (they ran a small tour boat company). The family (by the looks) desperately could have used the money for many other things. I felt like this was a slap in the face. The Louisiana woman divided the money for the California family to use however they needed and desired to use it. They didn't appear to really need the money anyways. What I learned from this episode.. 1. I can never and I repeat never marry a vegan. 2. Money made the woman a stuck up jerk. 3. If you go live in another families house for a week then don't be a jerk. It will make everybody miserable. I was so angry when I saw the Ca womans behavior. Unbelievable. Just had to get that off my chest.

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