Friday, April 24, 2009

Everybodys left for the summer.

Captains log April 24 2009

Silence. Since the recent abandment of colony Y known as Ptown for the summer there has been no activity or indication of life. My mission is to find and converse with foreign species/gender/(wink*) and make reports back to headquarters. Ptown, once a slave town of young adults, suffered its loss of power as the end of the term freed its inhabitants to their own will. I am one of the few brave ones who will remain in this lonely quadrant, to fend for myself. Not knowing when I shall ever see "home" as it is called again, I brave the challenges of this rapidly evolving enviroment.

Computer, update on our status.

(Computerized womans voice): Food...low. Drinks.. Dr. Pepper 2 ltr. fuel cell one full, Dr. Pepper fuel cell 2... low, Gas.. light has been on since Janurary, Interglactic dinero... low.

I dont know if I shall ever be seen again by life as we know it or if this captains log will ever be recovered some time in the future as I am doomed to the fate of this harsh terrain but I write with hopes of inspiration to further generations. Farwell,(yours truely,)

Captain Awesome

Update: The Dr. Pepper is all gone. Computer! Set a corse for the center of a black hole. Make it so number one.

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