Friday, April 17, 2009

Ochem final

Was Kill Bill 1 and 2 on last night from 10pm to 4am? Yes. Did I have my ochem lab final the next day at 3 pm? Yes. Did I make the right choice? Yes. The movie was awesome. So then I slept in until like 1pm. I walked to school, studied hardcore for like 1.5 hours, then took the bulldog's test. I did quite well I believe. I didn't know I had it in me (eyes starting to water). So for anybody who was in that class.. Mrs Hinshaw said like 10 times "No, its 15". WTF does that mean? I looked all up and down the billion and a half pages looking for some connection to the mysterious number fifteen but found none. Oh well.. dont care. My procrastination payed off though I believe. Kids... the moral of this story is learn to do your best work 2 hours before its due. Okay so now about kill bill.. basically this group of people kill this girl but she doesn't die, hunts everyone down, and kills them with a samurai swoard. Bill is the name of the chief killer but she finds out she had a baby with him (long story) so what does she do?.. she kills him. Game, Set, Match.

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